
2010. május 2., vasárnap

Jamie Oliver's Food revolution (Episode 1.)

Bejegyezte: Zizi dátum: 13:48
Jamie Oliver is a great guy and a huge inspiration. I got to know him ten years ago when I lived in the UK. He is an amazing, enthusiastic person, a big fighter. His latest campaign is about saving USA's health by changing the way you eat. And it's not all about America, it is about places everywhere. It's a movement for you and your family. If you care about your children and their future take this revolution and make it your own. Educate yourself about food and cooking. Find out what your child is eating at school. Make only a few small changes, cook at home with your family from fresh ingredients and magical things will happen!

You can sign the petition here if you are

Here is the show's first episode... It's worth watching it!

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

2 megjegyzés on "Jamie Oliver's Food revolution (Episode 1.)"

Rambling Tart on 2010. május 5. 12:19 írta...

I signed up! :-)

Zizi on 2010. május 6. 4:48 írta...

Good to know you signed up. I'm amazeded by Jamie's hard work!!!

Megjegyzés küldése

2010. május 2., vasárnap

Jamie Oliver's Food revolution (Episode 1.)

Jamie Oliver is a great guy and a huge inspiration. I got to know him ten years ago when I lived in the UK. He is an amazing, enthusiastic person, a big fighter. His latest campaign is about saving USA's health by changing the way you eat. And it's not all about America, it is about places everywhere. It's a movement for you and your family. If you care about your children and their future take this revolution and make it your own. Educate yourself about food and cooking. Find out what your child is eating at school. Make only a few small changes, cook at home with your family from fresh ingredients and magical things will happen!

You can sign the petition here if you are

Here is the show's first episode... It's worth watching it!

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

2 megjegyzés:


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