
2010. június 15., kedd

Jamie Oliver's Food revolution (Episode 6.)

Bejegyezte: Zizi dátum: 5:47
This is the last episode of the Food revolution but it didn't come to its end... So much work to do! 

The whole programme raises questions...  Will this revolution go on after Jamie has left Huntington?  Will people recognize how important it is what you feed your family with?  Will people remember the "food revolution" when they buy food in a huge supermarket? Will people remember to buy  and eat  more fresh vegetables and fruits instead of junk food?  Will the organizations, parents, kitchen ladies be cooperative? Will this revolution work?

I hope so!

Thank you Jamie! :)

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

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2010. június 15., kedd

Jamie Oliver's Food revolution (Episode 6.)

This is the last episode of the Food revolution but it didn't come to its end... So much work to do! 

The whole programme raises questions...  Will this revolution go on after Jamie has left Huntington?  Will people recognize how important it is what you feed your family with?  Will people remember the "food revolution" when they buy food in a huge supermarket? Will people remember to buy  and eat  more fresh vegetables and fruits instead of junk food?  Will the organizations, parents, kitchen ladies be cooperative? Will this revolution work?

I hope so!

Thank you Jamie! :)

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

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